Clinico-Cytological Spectrum Of Thyroid Mass Lesions Using FNAC And Corellating Biopsy

Clinico-Cytological Spectrum Of Thyroid Mass Lesions Using FNAC And Corellating Biopsy.


  • Nasib Chand
  • Sanjay Bedi
  • Navneet Kaur
  • Bhavna Gulati
  • Jyoti Sharma
  • Dishvin Bajwa
  • Laxmi Narayan Garg


FNAC, Cytological, Histological, Sensitivity, Specificity


Background: Fine needle aspiration technique generally applied, involves firm attachment of the aspiration needle to a syringe usually held in a specially designed syringe holder ie franzen’s handle, that enables single handed application of suction. The main aim of suction is to hold the cells against sharp cutting edge of the needle. It is the initial screening test for patients with thyroid lesions. Objective is 1) to find out diagnostic accuracy and role of fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of thyroid lesions, and to establish cyto-histopathological correlation. 2) to find out sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value, pitfalls and complications of fnac in the diagnosis of thyroid lesions. Methodology & Results: The present study was carried out on 110 patients presenting with thyroid lesions. FNA was conducted in cytology department of mmimsr mullana from July 2011 to Nov. 2013. In all cases, a thorough clinical examination including detailed history, general examination and local examination of thyroid gland was performed and findings recorded. FNA was performed in all cases without anesthesia keeping in view the clinical diagnosis. Equipments: included disposable syringe(10 ml), 2.5 cm long and 23-25 gauge disposable needles, Coplin jars , Cotton, and Clean glass slides. Chemicals and reagents included Spirit, Fixatives (alcohols) and Reagents for hematoxylin and eosin stain (H&E), Giemsa stain,and papanicolaou stain etc. Conclusion: FNAC is a well developed, cost effective and frequently used method carring low morbidity. It is also widely accepted as most accurate procedure to differentiate benign and malignant thyroid nodules and helps preoperatively in selecting patients for surgery. FNAC used together with other diagnostic modalities such as thyroid scanning, ultrasonography, thyroid hormone profile and antibody level measurements enhances diagnostic accuracy of the technique. [Chand N NJIRM 2015; 6(2):84-89]


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How to Cite

Chand, N., Bedi, S., Kaur, N., Gulati, B., Sharma, J., Bajwa, D., & Garg, L. N. (2018). Clinico-Cytological Spectrum Of Thyroid Mass Lesions Using FNAC And Corellating Biopsy: Clinico-Cytological Spectrum Of Thyroid Mass Lesions Using FNAC And Corellating Biopsy. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 6(2), 85–90. Retrieved from



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