Study of Feto - Maternaloutcome of Breech Presentation With Singelton Pregnancy At Tertiary Care Hospital

Study of Feto-Maternaloutcome of Breech Presentation With Singelton Pregnancy At Tertiary Care Hospital


  • Shital Mehta
  • Jignesh Chauhan
  • Bina Raval
  • Pushpa Yadava
  • Vijeta Lilhare


Breech presentation, feto-maternal outcome, Mode of delivery


Background: The present study was undertaken to study the incidence, aetiology and obstetric outcome and fetal outcome of breech presentation in singlton pregnancy in a tertiary care hospital. Methods: This was a retrospective observational study conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology attertiary care hospital from 1stJuly2016 to 30thJune 2017. 191 cases of breech presentation out of 9518patients registered for delivery were included in the study. Demographic data like age, parity, etiological factors of breech, mode of delivery, neonatal outcome were noted from case records. Results: The incidence of breech was 2.01% in pregnancies attending in our institute. Primi accounted for (39.27%) of the study group. Whereas, multipara accounted for (60.73%). Common etiologies of breech presentation were multipara (60.73%), Preterm(29.31%), oligohydramnios (8.37%) and uterine anomalies (1.57%).Neonatal outcome was good in breech delivered by caesarean section than in delivered vaginally. Conclusion: Breech delivery is a high risk pregnancy with adverse fetal outcomes during pregnancy and labour. Though caesarean section for breech presentation is not universally recommended, caesarean section can reduce the perinatal mortality and morbidity compared to vaginal birth for term breech pregnancy, but maternal morbidity was increased because of anaesthesia and operative interference. Mode of delivery should be decided based on the maternal and fetal condition and obstetrician’s skill. [Shital M NJIRM 2017; 8(6):11-15]


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How to Cite

Mehta, S., Chauhan, J., Raval, B., Yadava, P., & Lilhare, V. (2018). Study of Feto - Maternaloutcome of Breech Presentation With Singelton Pregnancy At Tertiary Care Hospital: Study of Feto-Maternaloutcome of Breech Presentation With Singelton Pregnancy At Tertiary Care Hospital. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 8(6), 11–15. Retrieved from



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