A Retrospective Study of Maternal & Perinatal Outcome in Obstetrical Emergencies at Tertiary care centre in Ahmedabad

A Retrospective Study of Maternal & Perinatal Outcome


  • Shital Mehta Associate Professor, Department of Ob. & Gy. Smt NHL Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad
  • Vismay Pandya vsmpandya6492@gmail.com
  • Pushpa Yadav Professor, Department of Ob. & Gy. Smt NHL Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad
  • Bina Raval Assistant Professor, Department of Ob. & Gy. Smt NHL Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad


Maternal, Obstetric Emergencies, Perinatal outcome


Objectives: To identify obstetric cases as emergencies needing critical care. To assess the varying clinical presentations and contributing factors for cases arriving as obstetric emergencies. To identify the need for hospitalization and admission to intensive care unit. To understand the various interventions and critical care management required , its impact on future outcome of such admissions and to analyze the maternal and perinatal outcome of such obstetric emergencies. Material and Methods: 100 cases of obstetric emergencies admitted and treated at a tertiary care centre in Ahmedabad during the study period from March 2017 to March 2018  It is a clinical study of maternal and perinatal outcome in obstetric emergencies irrespective of gestational period ,parity and medical complications. Results: A total of  9,160 deliveries were conducted during this period. The majority of obstetric emergencies were in the age group between 20-30 years, 55% were multigravida, 45% were primi gravida, 10% were grand multi gravida. 56% were referred cases, 44% were directly admitted. Most common obstetric emergency was obstetric hemorrhage in 34% cases.52% were delivered by normal vaginal delivery.LSCS was done in 42%.ICU admission in 33.3%, live births in 72%, perinatal mortality was 28%, maternal mortality in 11% cases. Conclusion :  Obstetric emergencies have a deleterious effect on mother and fetus resulting in high maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Peripartum hemorrhage, hypertensive emergencies are the leading causes. [Mehta S Natl J Integr Res Med, 2018; 9(6):54-58]


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How to Cite

Mehta, S., Pandya, V., Yadav, P., & Raval, B. (2018). A Retrospective Study of Maternal & Perinatal Outcome in Obstetrical Emergencies at Tertiary care centre in Ahmedabad: A Retrospective Study of Maternal & Perinatal Outcome. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 9(6), 54–58. Retrieved from https://nicpd.ac.in/ojs-/index.php/njirm/article/view/2459



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