Sleep Related Breathing Disorders: What & Why A Dentist Should Know? An Overview Of Dental Sleep Medicine.

An Overview Of Dental Sleep Medicine


  • Dr Sachit Anand Arora
  • Dr Rohit Kochhar
  • Dr Sumit Narang
  • Dr Kumar Saurav


Sleep apneas, SRBDs, OSA


This article overviews the signs, symptoms, diagnosis and other facets of SRBDs ( sleep related breathing disorders. Snoring and EDS (excessive day time sleepiness) are the commonest signs of OSAs (obstructive sleep apneas). OSA are known to impact cvs, respiratory & metabolic balance. A new paradigm has evolved inter-connecting SRBDs& chronic periodontitis. So as to help a dentist to diagnose & manage SRBDs in dental scenario. [Arora S NJIRM 2015; 6(5):94-102]


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How to Cite

Arora, D. S. A., Kochhar, D. R., Narang, D. S., & Saurav, D. K. (2018). Sleep Related Breathing Disorders: What & Why A Dentist Should Know? An Overview Of Dental Sleep Medicine.: An Overview Of Dental Sleep Medicine. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 6(5), 94–102. Retrieved from



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