Photodynamic Therapy – The Pragmatic Paradigm

Photodynamic Therapy – The Pragmatic Paradigm


  • Indranil Sarkar
  • Annaji Sreedhar
  • Padma R
  • Jagadish pai
  • Sachin Malagi
  • Radhika B
  • Vinesh Kamath



PDT, Singlet Oxygen, Photosensitizer, Implantology, Peri-implantitis, Osseointegration


Photodynamic therapy (PDT), also known as photo-radiation therapy, phototherapy, or photo-chemotherapy, involves the use of a photoactive dye (photosensitizer) that is activated by exposure to light of a specific wavelength in the presence of oxygen. The transfer of energy from the activated photosensitizer to available oxygen results in the formation of toxic oxygen species, such as singlet oxygen and free radicals which damages proteins, lipids, nucleic acids and other cellular components.PDT has wide range of applications in Dentistry ranging from antimicrobial chemotherapy to the diagnosis & treatment of premalignant and malignant conditions. Its application in Periodontics represents a novel therapeutic approach in the management of oral biofilms with consequent alterations in plaque homeostasis. An improved post surgical healing with reduced periodontal inflammation and tissue damage are the hallmarks of PDT. Its scope has been extended in Implantology to promote osseointegration and to prevent peri-implantitis. With such myriad of applications PDT has a promising future depending on the interactions between clinical applications and technological innovations. The paper appraises the various scopes that PDT envisages beyond the horizon. [ Shreedhar A NJIRM 2014; 5(4) :72-81]


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How to Cite

Sarkar, I., Sreedhar, A., R, P., pai, J., Malagi, S., B, R., & Kamath, V. (2018). Photodynamic Therapy – The Pragmatic Paradigm: Photodynamic Therapy – The Pragmatic Paradigm. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 5(4), 73–82.



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