Applicability of Classroom-Based Formative Assessments in Medical Education A Review

Applicability of Classroom-Based Formative Assessments in Medical Education: A Review


  • Tripti K Srivastava
  • Lalitbhushan S Waghmare


Classroom, Formative Assessment, Medical Education


The present article reviews Formative Assessment (FA) with a special focus on attributes of making such assessments classroom based by suitable incorporation in routine instructional activity. Aligned to the constructivist theory of learning, classroom-based FAs, embedded within the instructional activities, can permit timely feedback, correctives and instructional alignment. These assessment practices need to be so well grounded in the instructional process that the information they reveal will identify whether and how instruction should be adapted to advance students’ understanding. The Formative Assessment Classroom Techniques (FACTs) are designed to be easily embedded into classroom instruction. They are a group of specific teaching strategies designed to assess student learning by engaging them in reflective evaluation of the course material and thereby systematic collection of their reflections on learning. FACTs are linked to cognitive learning theories that relate to how the information is processed. Variation in FACT strategies, catering to different domains of learning and learning styles coupled with ease of administration makes the entire exercise more suitable and sustainable within medical classroom dynamics. Training of medical teachers and re-organization of instructional hours are two major challenges for such classroom based assessments in medical education.


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How to Cite

Srivastava, T. K., & Waghmare, L. S. (2018). Applicability of Classroom-Based Formative Assessments in Medical Education A Review: Applicability of Classroom-Based Formative Assessments in Medical Education: A Review. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 9(1), 123–128. Retrieved from



Review Article