MCQ Supplementation in a Physiology Didactic Class: A Learning Tool

MCQ Supplementation in a Physiology Didactic Class


  • Madhu Bhatt
  • Bikalp Thapa
  • Anirban Bhattacharya
  • Prerana Bhinganiya
  • Sukhmeet Minhas
  • Sushil Sharma


Didactic class, learning tool, multiple choice questions, MCQ, specific learning objectives


Background and Objectives: Medical educators are facing the challenge to develop innovative creative material so as to engage the students in active learning, more so for basic sciences. In addition the innovations should help student learning, keeping time and manpower and economy constraints in mind. Overall objective of this study was to study and assess the role of MCQ supplementation in a didactic class in improving student learning. Methods: 136 First year MBBS students of a government medical college attending physiology classes were recruited for the study. Based on the university recognized syllabus the Specific learning objectives (SLOs) were randomly grouped into two categories, that is, SLOs for which didactic classes were to be supplemented with multiple choice questions (MCQs) and those SLOs for which didactic classes were to be taught without MCQ supplementation. Results: On subjecting individual student’s scores obtained in the two categories of MCQs to unpaired ‘t’ test the difference was found to be statistically significant, p = 0.025, t = 2.259. 95% CI. Conclusion: Reinforcement of Didactic class with MCQ supplementation is an effective learning tool which was well received by the participants.[Bhatt M NJIRM 2015; 6(1):72-76]


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How to Cite

Bhatt, M., Thapa, B., Bhattacharya, A., Bhinganiya, P., Minhas, S., & Sharma, S. (2018). MCQ Supplementation in a Physiology Didactic Class: A Learning Tool: MCQ Supplementation in a Physiology Didactic Class. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 6(1), 71–75. Retrieved from


