Knowledge Of Diabetes And Self Care Practices In Chronic Diabetic Patients Attending A Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital In India

Knowledge Of Diabetes And Self Care Practices


  • Dr. Purvi Mehta
  • Dr.Varsha Godbole
  • Dr.Falgun Gosai
  • Dr. KrutikBrahmbhatt


Diabetes, Knowledge, Self-care practices, Complications


With an alarming increase in the incidence of Diabetes, India isnow being considered as ‘Global Diabetes Capital’. Patient’s knowledge regarding Diabetes andself-care practicesare crucial to the success of any Diabetes Control Programme. Aims: To assess knowledge of Diabetes and self-care practices in chronic Diabetic patients.Materials and Methods: Hospital based cross sectional study involving 100 diabetic patients. Structured pre-tested questionnaires were employed. Responses that differed amongstvarious categories (gender, education and duration of Diabetes) were analysed using appropriate statistical test.Results: 58% were aware that diabetes can affect eyes, 54% aware about renal complications of DM and 44% knew that DM is a cardiovascular risk factor. 44 % knew that annual eye examinations were essential for early diagnosis and treatment. Only 14 % were aware of annual urine-protein check and only 30% got their lipids checked annually. 67% had regular BP checks and 28% did regular foot check.40% knew their target sugar levels. Only 5% were aware of Hba1C test. 84% patient knew about hypoglycaemiaandits treatment. 47% thought that DM is curable.An educational level of middle school or higher and duration of DM longer than 5years was associated with higher score.Conclusion: There remains largely inadequate knowledge about Diabetes, its complications and importance of annualscreening for complications. The importance of better glycaemic control and regular screening for complication should thus be emphasized by comprehensive education and awareness which will no doubt help in reducing the mortality and morbidity due to DM.[Mehta P et al NJIRM 2014; 5(2) :91-97]


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How to Cite

Mehta, D. P., Godbole, D., Gosai, D., & KrutikBrahmbhatt, D. (2018). Knowledge Of Diabetes And Self Care Practices In Chronic Diabetic Patients Attending A Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital In India: Knowledge Of Diabetes And Self Care Practices. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 5(2), 91–97. Retrieved from



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