A Study Of Induction Of Labour At Teriary Care Teaching Hospital
Induction, Caesarean Section, Postdatism, Prostaglandins, Meconium Aspiration SyndromeAbstract
Background: In this era where safe obstetrics practice to ensure good maternal and fatal outcome is being performed, more and more ways to fore start the labor in unfavourable conditions is being practiced. For such reasons, induction of labor is becoming one of the commonest obstetric procedures nowadays. Over the decades the incidence of induction of labor has raised exponentially. In developed countries the rate being 20-25% while in developing countries the incidence varies around10%3. Induction of labour can be carried out through various methods either surgical/medical methods. Most commonly prostaglandins like PGE1 or PGE2 is used either orally/per vaginally. This study is aimed to analyse the fetomaternal outcome of patients undergoing induction of labour.
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