Study Of Maternal Near Miss Events At The Tertiary Care Hospital
Study Of Maternal Near Miss Events At The Tertiary Care Hospital
Maternal Near Miss Cases(MNM), Maternal Mortality, Emergency Obstetric Care(Emoc), Eclampsia, Vasopressor Drugs, Intrauterine Growth Retardation(IUGR), Severe Acute Maternal Morbidity(SAMM)Abstract
Background: A maternal near miss case is defined as a “a woman who nearly died but survived a complication that occurred during pregnancy, child birth or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy”1. MMR is defined as ratio of number of maternal deaths per 1000 live births. All pregnant women deserve a good quality of care especially Emergency Obstetric Care including proper infrastructure, human resources that can detect and manage such complications earliest. The objective of this study was to evaluate the causes of maternal near miss cases, various management modalities performed and maternal and fetal outcome in near miss cases. Material And Methods: A retrospective study was carried out in obstetrics and gynaecology department of SCL municipal general hospital, Ahmedabad for identification of MNM as per MNM-R operational guidelines (2014) in a tertiary care hospital from August 2020 to March 2022. Result: Total deliveries during our study period were 9266 out of which 535 number of patients developed complications, 75 patients ended up becoming near miss cases and 30 maternal mortalities were observed. Hypertensive disorders (38.6%) followed by severe anemia (18.6%) and haemorrhage (13.3%) were the commonest underlying causes leading to MNM. More than one management modality was followed in one case. 25% of patients required blood transfusion. Out of which 11 patients required massive blood transfusion (>5 units of blood) and 16% of patients required blood products along with blood resulting from either severe anemia or altered coagulopathy (DIC). 69.3% of patients required ICU stay of <5 days and majority of patients required hospital stay of 9-14 days.63.6% of patients required ICU stay of 1-4 days. Live birth rate was 82.6%. Conclusion: Maternal health is the direct indicator of prevailing health status in a country. Reduction in maternal mortality is one of the targets of MILLENIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS13 for 2015 but in spite of full efforts by all the health care professionals, it still remains a challenge in developing countries. There should be prompt and proper management of high-risk groups by frequent antenatal visits. Aggressive management of each complication and close monitoring of women in labour, decision making in mode and time of termination of pregnancy are important to prevent further complications. [Mandaliya M Natl J Integr Res Med, 2022; 13(3): 62-66, Published on Dated: 10/05/2022]
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