Fetomaternal Outcome In Referral Obstetric Cases In A Tertiary Care Hospital: A Retrospective Study


  • Mehula Vasava Resident Doctor , Department of OB GY, Government Medical College, Bhavnagar
  • Dipti Parmar Associate Professor, Department of Ob Gy, Government Medical College, Bhavnagar


Fetomaternal outcome, Tertiary care hospital , Retrospective study


This study was to review the pattern of obstetric cases referred to tertiary care centre, to identify
their clinical course, mode of delivery and fetomaternal outcomes. Material & Methods: This is a
retrospective study conducted at Gopnath Maternity Home, Sir T Hospital, Bhavnagar from December2018—May2019. All referred obstetric cases were included. Result: In my study, maximum numbers of patients (52.17%) were in the 20-30 years of age group. Majority of the referral cases were primigravida
104(50.24 %) out of 207 referred cases, 173(83.57%) delivered, 22(10.62%)were treated conservatively. In
12 patients (5.79%) either abortion occurred or medical termination of pregnancy was done or ectopic
pregnancy. Out of the 173 cases who delivered at our institute majority of the babies were delivered
110(63.58%) normally, while 63(36.41%) underwent caesarean section. There were 43 NICU admissions,
and 130 were healthy babies. Reasons for admission were varied. In the present study, a pre-eclampsia and
related condition was the most common cause of referral. This is followed by premature rupture of
membranes and preterm labour, previous C-section being the next most common. Conclusion: This study
has shown that improper antenatal and intranatal care at the peripheral level is responsible for poor
maternal and perinatal outcome. Strengthening of peripheral health care system and early referral needs to
be implemented for better maternal outcome. [Vasava M Natl J Integr Res Med, 2019; 10(5):93-96]


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How to Cite

Vasava, M. ., & Parmar, D. . (2019). Fetomaternal Outcome In Referral Obstetric Cases In A Tertiary Care Hospital: A Retrospective Study. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 10(5), 93–96. Retrieved from https://nicpd.ac.in/ojs-/index.php/njirm/article/view/3103



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