Health Problem Pattern Among Geriatrics In Aligarh- A Cross Sectional Study

Health Problem Pattern Among Geriatrics In Aligarh- A Cross Sectional Study


  • Mohd Maroof
  • Anees Ahmad
  • Najam Khalique
  • MAthar Ansari


Geriatric, Health Problems, Pattern


Background & Objectives: Old age is associated with decline in physical, physiological & cognitive function
affecting the quality of life of the elderly population. The robust increase in proportion of elderly has resulted in
demographic burden in a developing country like India. To cope up with this burden appropriate & timely
intervention is required based on the situational analysis of the health problems faced by the aged population.
Objective is to determine the pattern of health problems among geriatric population and to find out the rural- urban
difference in health problems, if any. Methodology: The cross- sectional study was done among 450 individuals aged
60 years & above residing at field practice area of Urban Health Training Centre & Rural Health Training Centre, JN
Medical College, AMU, Aligarh. The data was obtained through pretested & predesigned questionnaire by selecting
individuals using systematic random sampling with PPS. Data was entered & analyzed by SPSS 20. Tests of proportion
& Chi square test were applied. P value <0.05 was considered significant. Results: The present study revealed that the
most prevalent problem was cataract (79.6%), followed by depression (36.2%), refractive error (31.3%), locomotor
problems (23.6%) and hearing loss (16%). No significant rural- urban difference was found among the prevalence of
health problems. Conclusion: The study concluded that the magnitude of health problems faced by elderly ranges
from low (hearing loss) to high (cataract) that warrants strengthening of the available health care services to tackle
the burden of health problems. [Maroof MNJIRM2016; 7(2):61-65]


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How to Cite

Maroof, M., Ahmad, A., Khalique, N., & Ansari, M. (2018). Health Problem Pattern Among Geriatrics In Aligarh- A Cross Sectional Study: Health Problem Pattern Among Geriatrics In Aligarh- A Cross Sectional Study. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 7(2), 61–65. Retrieved from



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