Outbreak Investigation of Cholera at Tertiary Care Hospital, Ahmadabad

Outbreak Investigation of Cholera at Tertiary Care Hospital, Ahmadabad


  • Anokhi Goswami
  • Kanu J. Patel
  • Dharmistha Tada
  • M.M. Vegad
  • Nidhi Sathwara
  • Binda Pipaliya


Stool, Cholera , Hand washing


Background & Objective: Global , regional, national estimates clearly place diarrheal disease as a major. The objective of this study was outbreak investigation of cholera at civil hospital and its nearby areas as IDSP state reference laboratory. Methods: Study was conducted for a period of 5 months from JUNE 2016 to OCTOBER 2016.The bacteriology laboratory, Microbiology department ,civil hospital received stool samples and water samples from the suspected area of acute gastro-enteritis, from patients admitted in civil hospital Ahmedabad and also from the nearby primary health centers, community health centers and district hospitals. The stool samples are processed as per standard microbiology techniques. For the suspected cholera isolates battery of biochemical test is run for identification of the sero typing of all vibrio cholera. Isolation is done by agglutination with specific antisera. For bio typing and phage typing all the isolates are sent to National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases ( NICED)Kolkata. Results: Out of total 1252 stool samples 39 vibrio cholera isolates on selective media and out of total 30 water culture samples 10 water samples found contaminated. Interpretation & Conclusion: The outbreak of choleral cases were increased in lower socio-economical class and overcrowded area due to poor hygiene and sanitation. Proper hand washing techniques, chlorination and periodic water testing with effective intervention can change the scenario. [Anokhi G NJIRM 2017; 8(2):78-79]


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How to Cite

Goswami, A., Patel, K. J., Tada, D., Vegad, M., Sathwara, N., & Pipaliya, B. (2018). Outbreak Investigation of Cholera at Tertiary Care Hospital, Ahmadabad: Outbreak Investigation of Cholera at Tertiary Care Hospital, Ahmadabad. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 8(2), 78–79. Retrieved from https://nicpd.ac.in/ojs-/index.php/njirm/article/view/1208



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