Comparative Evaluation Of C-Reactive Protein Levels And Leucocyte Counts In Patients With Sickle Cell Anemia, Chronic Generalized Periodontitis And Sickle Cell Anemia With Chronic Periodontitis: A Clinico-Biochemical Study

CRP in Sickle Cell Anemia & Chronic Periodontitis


  • Sachin M Jiji J
  • Sweety S
  • Abhishek S
  • Poonam S
  • Pooja B


Chronic generalized periodontitis (CGP), C‑reactive protein (CRP), leucocyte counts, Sickle cell anemia (SCA)


Aim: The aim of this study is to compare the CRP levels and leucocyte counts in patients with Sickle cell anemia, Sickle cell anemia with chronic periodontitis, and chronic periodontitis. Material andMethods: A total of 90 subjects with an age range of 30-50 years having sickle cell anemia and chronic periodontitis with probing depth ≥5mm and clinical attachment level ≥ 5mm were included and three groups: Group I- Sickle cell anemia; Group II- Sickle Cell anemia with chronic periodontitis and Group III: Chronic severe periodontitis. Blood samples for CRP and leucocytes counts estimation were collected. All participants were subjected to quantitative CRP analysis. Results: Mean CRP levels and leucocyte counts were significantly greater in group II as compared to group I and group III. Conclusion: The present study indicates a positive correlation in CRP levels and leucocyte counts in patients with Sickle cell anemia, chronic periodontitis and both. [Sachin M NJIRM 2016; 7(4):22-27]


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How to Cite

J, S. M. J., S, S., S, A., S, P., & B, P. (2018). Comparative Evaluation Of C-Reactive Protein Levels And Leucocyte Counts In Patients With Sickle Cell Anemia, Chronic Generalized Periodontitis And Sickle Cell Anemia With Chronic Periodontitis: A Clinico-Biochemical Study: CRP in Sickle Cell Anemia & Chronic Periodontitis. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 7(4), 22–27. Retrieved from



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