Zucchelli’s Technique Of Coronally Advanced Flap With PRF Membrane – A Novel Technique For The Treatment Of Multiple Gingival Recessions

Zucchelli’s Technique Of Coronally Advanced Flap With PRF Membrane – A Novel Technique For The Treatment Of Multiple Gingival Recessions


  • Isha Agrawal
  • Gaurav Bakutra
  • Sarath chandran




Gingival recession, Multiple gingival recessions, PRF, hypersensitivity, Growth factors


Background: Gingival recession is both unpleasant and unaesthetic. Gingival recession associated with
dentinal hypersensitivity is one of the commonest issues addressed by the periodontist. The treatment of choice for
such cases should address biological as well as patient chief complaint. Meeting the esthetic and functional demands
of patients with multiple gingival recessions remains a major therapeutic challenge. Coronally advanced flaps for root
coverage are the most commonly used technique for multiple teeth recessions. This case report describes a case of
Class I gingival recession due to faulty brushing technique associate with dentinal hyper sensitivity treated with
Zucchelli’s modification of conventional coronally advanced flap with PRF membrane. [Agrawal I NJIRM 2016; 7(3): 55
- 59]


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How to Cite

Agrawal, I., Bakutra, G., & chandran, S. (2018). Zucchelli’s Technique Of Coronally Advanced Flap With PRF Membrane – A Novel Technique For The Treatment Of Multiple Gingival Recessions: Zucchelli’s Technique Of Coronally Advanced Flap With PRF Membrane – A Novel Technique For The Treatment Of Multiple Gingival Recessions. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 7(3), 55–59. https://doi.org/10.70284/njirm.v7i3.1078



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