A Comparative Study between outcome of 25% glucose in glycerin and submucosal human placental extract injection in the management of Primary Atrophic Rhinitis
Keywords: Atrophic rhinitis, submucosal human placental extract, glucose in glycerin nasal drop.Abstract
Atrophic rhinitis is a chronic disease of the nose. Progressive atrophy of nasal mucosa and underlying turbinates,
formation of scanty viscid secretion and crusts causing foul odor are the cardinal features of this disease. Treatment
can be conservative as well as surgical. This study aimed to compare the outcome of 25% glucose in glycerin
solution and Sub-mucosal human placental extract injection in the management of primary atrophic rhinitis.
This study was conducted at Tripura Medical College and Dr. BRAM Teaching Hospital, Tripura, India, from January
2024 to June 2024 with a sample size of 10 after satisfying inclusion and exclusion criteria. Patients who had been
diagnosed with primary atrophic rhinitis were divided into 2 groups, i.e., Group A and Group B. Group A was
administered submucosal human placental extract injection, once a week for 6 months and Group B was advised
25% glucose in glycerin nasal drop, 10 drops in each nostril twice daily for 6 months following which the response
of both the groups was recorded. Collected data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel and SPSS 25.0 software.
Group A (submucosal human placental extract injection) had shown 60% good response while Group B (25%
glucose in glycerin nasal drop) had shown 40% good response after 6 months of treatment. Fair response was
equal in both the groups. Group A had shown 33% poor response while Group B had shown 67% poor response
after 6 months. Out of a total of 10 patients, irrespective of groups, 50% of the patients had shown good response
after 6 months of treatment, combining both the modalities. 20% of patients had shown fair response and the
rest of 30% had shown poor response.
There are various modalities of treatment of primary atrophic rhinitis both surgical and conservative. Treatment
with 25 % glucose in glycerin solution as well as submucosal human placental extract injection both had shown
promising outcomes in various studies. But submucosal placental extract injection had shown better outcome
than 25% glucose in glycerin solution in this study.

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