Awareness and Behavior regarding Mosquito Borne Diseases and Its Correlates among Urban Slum Residents of Burdwan Municipality, West Bengal(India)


  • Aprajita Jha
  • M.D Samsuzzaman
  • Sima Roy
  • .Pranita Taraphdar,
  • Anupam Mallick,
  • Arif Hossain,


Keywords: Awareness, behavior, mosquito-borne diseases, preventive, slum




Mosquito-borne diseases are major public-health problems in overcrowded, polluted areas like slums even after

implementation of various measures under the umbrella of National Vector-Borne Disease Control Program

(NVBDCP). Information about awareness of slum-dwellers and their behaviors towards mosquito-borne diseases are

essential for their prevention. This study aimed to assess awareness, preventive and care-seeking behaviors towards

mosquito-borne diseases among slum residents of Burdwan Municipality and to check for mosquito-breeding places

in and around their houses.

Materials and Methods

A community-based, cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in 226 households of urban field practice areas

of the department of Community Medicine, selected through random sampling, with a pre-designed, pre-tested

schedule from October 2022 to January 2023.


The present study revealed that out of a total of 226 households, more than one-fourth (26.5%) had poor awareness

regarding the names of diseases caused by mosquitoes. None were aware about the diurnal variation in mosquito

biting pattern. More than half (56.6%) had poor awareness about symptoms of malaria and more than one-thirds

(35.4%) had poor awareness regarding symptoms of dengue. Majority had poor awareness regarding symptoms of

chikungunya, filariasis and Japanese encephalitis i.e. 93.8%, 83.6% and 96.9% respectively. More than two-third

(67.7%) had satisfactory awareness regarding preventive methods against mosquito-borne diseases. Majority (90%)

used mosquito nets as personal protective behavior. Among the households who had a history of mosquito-borne

diseases, only one-thirds (34%) sought health-care within 48 hours of symptoms onset and 83% sought health-care

from public facilities. Bivariate analysis using chi-square test revealed socio-demographic characteristics such as

gender, education, occupation had significant association with awareness regarding mosquito-borne diseases.


There is a need for awareness generation and behavior change communication on mosquito-borne diseases, and

enhance community participation in implementing preventive measures for the same.


Author Biographies

Aprajita Jha

1 Aprajita Jha, MBBS, Junior resident, Department of Community Medicine, Burdwan Medical College

and Hospital, Burdwan, West Bengal, India,Email-,ORCID- 0009-0005-7073-4581,

M.D Samsuzzaman

MD Samsuzzaman, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Burdwan Medical

College and Hospital, Burdwan, West Bengal, India,Email-,ORCID- 0000-0002-6339-900X;

Sima Roy

, MD, Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Burdwan Medical College and Hospital, Burdwan, West Bengal, India,Email,,ORCID- 0009-0009-1101-8488; 4

.Pranita Taraphdar,

 MD, Professor and Head, Department of Community Medicine, Burdwan Medical College and Hospital, Burdwan, West Bengal, India,Email-,ORCID- 0000-0001-5877-7638;

Anupam Mallick,

 MBBS, Junior resident, Department of Community Medicine, Burdwan Medical College and Hospital, Burdwan, West Bengal, India, Email-,ORCID- 0009-0002-1793-9148;

Arif Hossain,

MBBS, Junior resident, Department of Community Medicine, Burdwan Medical College and Hospital, Burdwan, West Bengal, India,Email-, ORCID- 0009-0000-1129-6845


