Nutritional status and its determinants among selected polytechnic college students in Puducherry: A cross sectional study
Adolescents, Malnutrition, Dietary BehaviourAbstract
Background: Indian population comprises 21.4 % of adolescents. Malnutrition,
both under nutrition and over nutrition, resulting from deficiency or from
excess or imbalance of nutrients is of public health significance among
adolescents across the world which leads to impairment of health and creates
lasting effect on the growth, development and physical fitness of a person.
Objectives: To study the dietary/lifestyle habits and to identify the possible
determinants of malnutrition among adolescents.
Materials and Methods: Cross sectional study was carried out in Madagadipet,
Puducherry during November 2014. A total of 1034 participants were
interviewed in their college using a pre tested questionnaire which comprised
of variables such as Socio-demographic details, dietary behavior, physical
activity, history of alcohol intake and smoking. The height and weight of the
participants were measured and BMI was calculated. Data were entered in Microsoft Excel 2007 and analysed
using SPSS 16. Means and proportions were calculated. Chi square test was applied and p value <0.05 was
considered statistically significant.
Results: The prevalence of malnutrition was higher in females (15.2%) when compared to males (11.7%).
41.5% females were underweight and 15.2% overweight. The proportion of overweight was higher among
those who skipped breakfast (16.9 %) and this association was statistically significant (p<0.01). Physical
inactivity, smoking and alcohol intake had statistically significant association with malnutrition among
adolescents (p<0.05).
Conclusion: This study showed that faulty dietary intake and poor lifestyle habits are some of the
determinants of malnutrition among adolescents.

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