A mixed method study to assess the risk factors, level of knowledge and perception of diabetes & hypertension among people attending screening OPD in a tertiary care hospital in Mumbai
NCD’s pose a global health challenge, causing majority of deaths, especially in low- income countries. Screening
provides means for early detection of these diseases & its associated risk factors, thereby reducing the risks posed
by them. This study aims to assess the risk factors, knowledge & perception levels of DM and HTN among
individuals attending screening OPD.
Study setting was NCD screening corner by Lokmanya Tilak Municipal College, Mumbai which uses mixed method
approach where after measurement of blood glucose and blood pressure, BMI, W/H ratio of the participants, a pre
tested questionnaire was administered. Multiple FGD’s were conducted to assess the knowledge and perception
Out of 288 participants 77.77 % had blood pressure levels lower & 52.01% had blood sugar higher than cut off
values. 52.08% had good knowledge level score and 82.09% had high perception level score. BMI, knowledge level,
perception levels, alcohol and tobacco consumption were significantly associated with suspected hypertension
and suspected Diabetes (P-value < 0.05). Adjusted logistic regression model showed, tobacco consumption (AOR=
2.14, P=0.048), BMI (AOR= 1.91, P=0.046), and perception levels (AOR= 2.05, P=0.049) were significantly
associated with increased odds of high blood pressure levels, only BMI (AOR= 1.71, P=0.035), was significantly
associated with increased odds of high blood sugar levels.
Risk factors found significant were addiction of alcohol and tobacco, raised BMI, having poor knowledge &
perception about the diseases. Qualitative analysis, showed participants had poor knowledge about risk factors
and weren’t open for lifestyle changes for prevention.

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