Changing disease profile and preventive health care in India: Issues of economy, equity and effectiveness


  • salma kaneez
  • M. Aijaz


Preventive Health Care, Equity, Cost Effective, Life style


The importance of preventive health care practices has increasingly been

recognized in the wake of changing disease profile in India. The disease burden has

been shifting from communicable to non-communicable diseases as a result of

greater focus on achieving competitiveness in a fast globalizing economy. The rapid

pace of social and technological changes has led to adverse life style choices

resulting in higher incidence of heart diseases, diabetes, obesity, cancer, and

deteriorating inter-personal relations and psychological well-being among

individuals. Most of these health risks can considerably be reduced through

disseminating science-based information on health promotion and disease

prevention including exercise, nutrition, smoking and tobacco cessation,

immunization, counseling, fostering good habits of health and hygiene, disease

screening and preventive medicine. Prior evidences indicate that preventive health

interventions can improve health outcomes in a great deal. In a regressive health

delivery system of India where major health expenses on curative health is met by out-of-pocket money,

preventive health services hold promise to be cost efficient, clinically effective and equity promoting. This

article, therefore, examines in depth the issues and prospects of preventive and promotive health care

services in realizing optimum health care needs of the people.

Author Biographies

salma kaneez

UGC Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department

of Psychology, AMU, Aligarh

M. Aijaz

Stat.Assistant,Department of Statistics

and Operations Research, AMU, Aligarh


