Knowledge and attitude regarding STIs including HIV and RTIs among college adolescent girls in urban Udupi Taluk


  • Monica Rana
  • Ramachandra Kamath
  • Lena Ashok
  • Bharatesh Shetty
  • Vasudev Guddattu
  • Varalakshmi Chandrasekaran


Adolescent Girls, HIV/AIDS, STIs, RTIs



Adolescents compared to individuals in any other age group are most

susceptible to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV (Human

Immunodeficiency Virus) and reproductive tract infections (RTIs). Adolescents

are vulnerable to STIs including HIV that account for 31 percent of the AIDS

burden in India.


To assess knowledge and attitude among adolescent girls regarding STIs

including HIV/AIDS and RTIs.


A cross-sectional study was carried out among 17-19 year old college going

adolescents studying in degree colleges in the urban area of Udupi taluk. A

total of 410 adolescent girls were selected using cluster sampling with proportionate allocation method. A

pre-tested, self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data, and anonymity was maintained. SPPS

version 15 was used to analyze the data. Findings were depicted as percentages and proportions.


Around 14% of the adolescent girls had comprehensive knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS. Poor knowledge was

reported among adolescent girls regarding STIs/RTIs other than HIV/AIDS. Around 27% had heard of STIs

while 15% had knowledge regarding RTIs.


The study identified lacunae in knowledge regarding STIs/RTIs and misconceptions on HIV transmission.

Adolescents need to be educated regarding sexual and reproductive health and also to focus on capacity

building of mothers and teachers to improve adolescents’ knowledge and attitude.

Author Biographies

Monica Rana

Department of Public Health, Manipal University, Manipal

Ramachandra Kamath

Professor, Department of Public

Health, Manipal University, Manipal

Lena Ashok

Department of Public Health, Manipal

University, Manipal

Bharatesh Shetty

Department of Public Health, Manipal

University, Manipal


Vasudev Guddattu

Department of Statistics, Manipal

University, Manipal

Varalakshmi Chandrasekaran

Department of Public Health, Manipal

University, Manipal


