Maternal and child health care in an underprivileged area of Bangalore city: Identifying the gaps in the continuum of care
With over 100 million Indians living in urban slums and high child mortality
among low-income groups, focusing on maternal and child health (MCH)
among urban underprivileged is vital, if India is to achieve the fourth and fifth
Millennium Development goals.
To identify the gaps in the MCH Continuum of care, by assessing coverage and
quality of Maternal and Child Health Services in an urban underprivileged area
of Bangalore City.
A survey was conducted in an urban slum of Bangalore City, using systematic
random sampling. A total of 178 subjects were interviewed with a pre-tested
questionnaire. 88 were mothers who delivered in the last one year (to assess
maternal care services), and 90 were mothers of a child aged 12-23 months (to
assess immunization coverage). Breastfeeding practices and care during
childhood illness were documented in both groups.
Though institutional delivery rate was 97.7%, only 34.1% mothers had received
full antenatal care. The quality of antenatal and postnatal services was poor,
practices like prelacteal feeds and delayed initiation of breastfeeding were
common. Less than 40 % of children were exclusively breastfed for at least 6
months. Only 53% of children aged 12-23 months were fully immunised.
Primary immunisation drop-out rates were high. Mothers’ knowledge
regarding vaccines was poor. Children with diarrhea received less fluids and
food and only 61% received ORS.
This study identified the following gaps in the MCH Continuum of Care- lack of IFA consumption, poor quality
of antenatal and postnatal care, high immunisation dropout rates, erroneous breastfeeding practices and
inadequate care during diarrhoea. Further research may identify potential solutions to bridging these gaps in
MCH care.

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