Knowledge and practices of blood donation among the undergraduate students of district Una, Himachal Pradesh, India
Low Birth Weight, Antenatal Checkup, IFA Tablets, Birth IntervalAbstract
Blood is the major vital component of the human body and most donated
tissue in medical practice. It is a veritable tool in many live-saving situations
when used judiciously. In spite of the rapid and remarkable conquest and
breakthrough of medical science today, there is still no ideal substitute.
Youths are the major source of blood donation and college students form a
large and important group of population eligible for blood donation.
To assess the knowledge and practices of blood donation among
undergraduate students of district Una, Himachal Pradesh.
A cross sectional study was carried out in July-August 2015 among 277
undergraduate students of district Una, Himachal Pradesh. Convenient
sampling with semi structured questionnaire using self-administered
technique was used for collecting data. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20.
Out of 277 students, 165 were male and 112 female. More than half of respondents, 142(51.3%) had a poor
level of knowledge. Only 48(17.3%) of the total respondents had donated blood and 32(19.4%) of the boys and
16(14.3%) of the girls had donated blood. Majority of the donors, 41(85.4%) had donated blood only once in
their life. A highly significant statistical association was found between gender and knowledge regarding
amount of blood in body (p-value=0.001). Stream of education was found to be highly significantly associated
with knowledge about own blood group (p-value=0.003), knowledge regarding number of constituents
present in blood (p-value=0.001) and knowledge regarding blood donation to HIV/AIDS affected person (p
value=<0.001). A highly significant association was found between practices of blood donation and age group
Good knowledge and practice of blood donation among undergraduate students were found quite low. There
should be regular blood donation campaign in colleges and students should be aware regarding the benefits
and need of blood donation.

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