Adolescents perception on parent child conflict and its resolution: A qualitative study
Adolescent, Conflict, Parent Child Relationship, Resolution, KathmanduAbstract
Adolescent period is marked by strain in relationship and misunderstanding
with parents. Understanding perception of adolescents about this issue is
necessary for conflict resolution. The current study is aimed at exploring
adolescent perception on nature of parent child conflict and the strategies
for resolving such problems.
A qualitative study was conducted among 150 (60 females & 90 males)
college students in late adolescence period. Three colleges were
conveniently selected in Kathmandu. Semi-structured questions were asked
to the participant adolescents. They were asked to list on common issues or
problems with their parents and type of parental behavior which would
facilitate in resolving conflict. Data was analyzed using thematic analysis
Seven main themes emerged in the sources of conflict in parent adolescent
relationship. They are lack of warmth, acceptance and understanding,
restriction in personal freedom and imposing control, comparison and
discrimination, conflicting messages (double bind communication), unduly focus on adolescents’ negative
behavior, over emphasis on studies and unreasonable aggression/ lack of trust. Regarding strategies to
mitigate conflict, participants’ suggestion for parents were analyzed into themes of listening and empathic
understanding, freedom, flexibility, forgiveness and not discriminating.
These themes on sources of conflict and strategies in resolution could be utilized by parents and adolescents
in building healthy relationship.

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