A historical review of alcohol-related health and social outcomes in Zambia


  • Keyanna P Taylor
  • Jason Paltzer


Alcohol, Alcohol Use Disorders, Substance Use, Zambia, Non-communicable Disease


The purpose of this review was to summarize the history of health and social

outcomes related to alcohol use in order to inform current strategies for

addressing alcohol use disorders in Zambia. Peer-reviewed journal articles,

historical reports, government documents, and media sources were included

in this review. Results found differences between earlier decades and today

such as increasing social issues like poor work performance, work

absenteeism, truancy among students, public disorderly conduct, declines in

overall productivity, and increasing health issues including STDs, unplanned

pregnancy, chronic disease, road accidents, alcohol dependence and mental

illness. Similarities between earlier decades and today are also discussed.

Efforts should focus on understanding the true burden of alcohol in Zambia

and standardized identification and contextualized treatment of alcohol use

disorders. The increasing abundant and diverse health and social outcomes

related to alcohol misuse highlight the need to address alcohol use disorders in Zambia.

Author Biographies

Keyanna P Taylor

Department of Public Health, Baylor University

Jason Paltzer

Department of Public Health Baylor University One Bear Place #97343, Waco, TX 76798, United States


