Relationship between oral health literacy and oral health behaviors, knowledge and dental status in Portuguese military enlisted adults
Oral Literacy, DMFT, Oral Health Knowledge, Enlisted, OHLI, PortugalAbstract
The objective of this study was to describe oral health literacy and its
association with oral health behaviors, knowledge and dental status in
Portuguese military enlisted adults.
The Portuguese version of the Oral Health Literacy Instrument (OHLI)
was applied to 274 enlistees at the Escola da Guarda in Portalegre,
Portugal, in a cross-sectional study. Information on sociodemographic,
dental status and oral health literacy was collected.
There is a high number (45.3%) of individuals with marginal or
inadequate levels of literacy. Assessment of dental status also revealed
oral health care needs. Females have better oral health knowledge than
males (p=0.034) and individuals with a bachelor’s degree have better oral
health knowledge than those with at least high school (P<0.001). The
higher number of visits to the dentist increases the number of filled teeth
(p<0.001) and DMFT (p=0.01). The variables that influences DMFT the most are “frequency of dentist visits”
(p<0.01) and “age group” (p=0.011).
There is the need for implementation and improvement of existing oral health promotion activities, namely
the introduction of oral health topics in the curriculum and the implementation of an oral health education
and promotion program for enlisted personnel at the Escola da Guarda.

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