A study to assess the prevalence of morbidity profile among women during pregnancy at primary health care centre in Thirumazhasai
Morbidity Profile, Pregnancy, Prevalence, Antenatal MothersAbstract
In most developing country, pregnancy and childbirth are accepted as normal
events of life and it is not surprising that problems associated with pregnancy
are also accepted. In developing countries interventions that are known to be
effective in reducing maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity are not
universally provided. Objectives: Assess the prevalence of morbidity profile in
selected demographic variables of antenatal mothers.
Descriptive research design was chosen to assess the prevalence of morbidity
profile among women’s during pregnancy in primary health care center in
Thirumazhasai. The study was conducted in primary health centre in
thirumazhasai. In this study population refers to all the antenatal mothers
attending the antenatal clinic in the primary health care centre in
thirumazhasai. The sample size was 60 antenatal mothers. Non-probability,
convenient sampling technique was used.
Frequency and percentage distribution of the demographic variables among antenatal mothers. It shows that
out of 60 samples, among 12 (20%) were in the age group of below 19 years, 39 (65%)were in the age group of
20-30 years, 9 (15%) were in the age group of above 30 years, 32 (53%) were primi gravida, 32 (53%) were got
marriage below 19 years. Assess the prevalence of morbidity profile among women’s during pregnancy period.
It shows that the prevalence of morbidity profile among women’s during pregnancy among 60 samples has an
obstetric problems, 44 (73%) has anemia, 20 (33%) has increased blood pressure, 17(28%) has diabetes
mellitus, 3(5%) has seizure during pregnancy, 3(5%) has cord prolapse, 3(5%) has premature labor, 9(15%) has
hydraminos, 2(3%) has ectopic pregnancy. It shows the prevalence of morbidity profile among women’s during
pregnancy among 60 samples has an non-obstetric problems, 52(87%) has tenderness and swollen of breast,
59 (98%) has nausea, 59(98%) has vomiting, 59(98%) has fatigue and giddiness, 57(95%) has a headache,
59(98%) has increased urination.

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