Factors associated with alloantibody formation in transfusion dependant Hb E/beta-Thalassemia patients: A hospital-based study in a tertiary care centre of Assam
Hb E/beta-thalassemia patients, alloimmunization, Packed Red blood cell (PRBC), Transfusion Dependent Thalassemia (TDT)Abstract
Interaction of Hb E with beta-thalassemia results in red cell phenotypes with weakened alpha -beta interface
causing decreased red cell survival. Severe forms of Hb E/beta-thalassemia on regular blood transfusion are
exposed to multiple red cell antigens causing alloantibody formation. India being a resource poor country, majority
of the blood centers provide only ABO, Rh D matched blood without antibody screening. Hence, limited data is
available on the rate of RBC alloimmunization in the state of Assam, which has highest prevalence of Hb E/Beta
thalassemia patients in India1 . The objective of this study is to analyse the factors associated with RBC
alloimmunisation in transfusion dependent Hb E/Beta thalassemia patients.
Materials and Methods
This is a cross-sectional observational study on transfusion dependent Hb E/beta thalassemia patients visiting the
blood centre Gauhati Medical and Hospital for a duration of one year. Blood grouping was done by conventional
tube technique where as pre transfusion antibody screening and compatibility testing was done by column
agglutination technique.
A total of 188 Hb E/beta-thalassemia patients were included in the study. Alloimmunization was seen in 12 cases
(6.3%). The age of the patients at the time of study ranged from 1 to 28 years with a mean age of 10.2 years
(SD=5.31). Rate of alloimmunisation was lowest (2.36%) in the age group (1-10) years and highest (23%) in the age
group (21-30) years. Those who were transfused ?50 blood units had alloimmunisation rate of 1.71% compared to
20% in those receiving ?150 units. Three cases (2.7%) who received first transfusion at ? 1 years of age developed
alloantibody compared to nine cases (11.5%) who received transfusion after 1 year of age.
Factors like age at first transfusion, number of blood units transfused and mean age showed significant correlation
with the rate of alloimmunization in transfusion dependent Hb E/beta-thalassemia patients.

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