Health Effects Associated with the Usage of Personal Audio Devices and Their Perceived Health Impact in Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study
Health effect, Personal Audio Devices, UsageAbstract
Exposure to recreational sound is an emerging public health problem. Especially in young adults the threat arises
from extended and extreme exposure to loud music and other forms of recreational sound including music they
listen to through personal audio devices (PAD). The study was undertaken to estimate the prevalence of health
effects, to find out the perceived health effects and to determine the factors associated with the usage of PAD.
Materials and Methods
We conducted a cross sectional study in 200 adults using google forms, snowball sampling method was used. We
gathered information regarding socio-demographic profile, volume levels and perceived health effect. Data was
extracted to MS Excel and SPSS 26 was used for analysis. Descriptive, Chi-square test and Krushkal Wallis test was
used. The significance level was considered at p?0.05.
Out of the 200 adult participants, males constituted 58.5%, graduated graduates around 78.5%, employed 49%
and resided in urban areas 79%. Prevalence of health effects was 148(74%). There was significant association
between volume levels, hours of usage and health effects on usage of PAD in subjects p?0.05. It was also found
that there was significant difference between marital status H=10.373, p?0.05 employment H=8.76, p?0.05 and
tinnitus H=7.626, p?0.05 across different median levels.
Prevalence on health effect on usage of PAD was high. Hence there is a need to increase awareness about the
harmful usage of PAD among all the age groups.

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