Editorial: 10th anniversary of a not-for-profit online open access journal; Critical Reflections on the development of GJMEDPH


  • Franklin White Executive Editor, Global Journal of Medicine & Public Health (GJMEDPH


Open Access; Publishing; Global health


The Global Journal of Medicine and Public Health (GJMEDPH) is now 10 years old. From its beginnings, the journal has been a good faith effort with committed leadership: free-standing, unlinked to any other publishing entity, with limited financial but significant voluntary support. Being able to publish and access relevant research is a valid need in all world regions. Over the past decade, GJMEDPH has played a role in expanding this capacity: an online OA vehicle for sharing observations and identifying feasible interventions. The journal has published work from researchers across the development spectrum, but mostly from South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. In accomplishing a decade of publishing, GJMEDPH has reached a relevant milestone. The aspirational vision for an even more successful new decade should be continuous quality improvement: fine tuning its performance and sharpening its focus so as to further benefit the quality of health science research and development across the Global South.


