Inadequate Nasogastric Drainage In Acute Intestinal Obstruction (A Rare Cause With Literature Review)

Inadequate Nasogastric Drainage In Acute Intestinal Obstruction


  • Arjun Agarwal
  • Alok Ranjan
  • Cheena Garg
  • Mohit Agarwal


Knotted, Nasogastric tube, Inadequate drainage


Background: Nasogastric aspiration is bedside procedure in surgical wards. Amount and type of nasogastic drainage is helpful in establishing conditions such as intestinal obstruction and its level. Knotted nasogastric tube is rarely reported in literature. In our case of intestinal obstruction this rare condition led to a diagnostic dilemma. Through this we want to highlight that in patients with intestinal obstruction and inadequate nasogastric tube drainage, possibility of this rare complication should be thought of. [Agarwal A NJIRM 2015; 6(4):105-106]


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How to Cite

Agarwal, A., Ranjan, A., Garg, C., & Agarwal, M. (2018). Inadequate Nasogastric Drainage In Acute Intestinal Obstruction (A Rare Cause With Literature Review): Inadequate Nasogastric Drainage In Acute Intestinal Obstruction. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 6(4), 105–106. Retrieved from



Case Report