Utility And Limitation Of Routine SGPT &HbsAg In Blood Donors

Utility And Limitation Of Routine SGPT &HbsAg


  • Dr.Pragnesh H Shah
  • Dr.Shivani H Dixit
  • Dr.Meena A Patel
  • Dr. Avinash Patel
  • Dr.B.J. Dabhi




HBsAg, ALT, ELISA, blood donors, blood transfusion


Abstract:Background: After the introduction of blood banks and better storage techniques blood is more widely used in patients for various indications. In Pakistan more than 1.5 million pints of blood are collected each year. Hepatitis B and C virus infections are known to occur in the general population and due to their mode of transmission through blood and blood products, it has made safe blood transfusion difficult and screening of blood absolutely necessary. Method: In present study, total 2500 blood donors were screened for ALT estimation and HBsAg at Blood Bank, G.G. Hospital, Jamnagar. Results were tabulated in various observation tables and were compared and dicussed with other workers study. Result: Out of 2500 blood donors, 2097 were replacement donors and 403 were voluntary donors, 2421 were male donors and 79 were female donors. Out of 2500 blood donors, 2415 were healthy donors and 85 were showing high level of ALT ( > 45 KU/ml) or HBsAg positivity or both. Out of 2421 male donors, 34 donors ( 32 replacement + 02 voluntary ) were haviang high level of SGPT, 30 donors ( 26 replacement + 04 voluntary ) were having HBsAg positive and 18 donors (17 replacement + 01 voluntary ) were having HBsAg positivity and high SGPT value. Out of 79 female donors, only 03 replacement female donors were having high SGPT and none of the female donor was HBsAg positive. Mean value of ALT was found to be 26.58+8.86.Male donors have higher level of ALT and also higher incidence of HBsAg than that of female blood donors.Replacement donors have higher level of ALT and also higher incidence of HBsAg than that of voluntary donors. 2.24% of 2500 donors had abnormal or high level of ALT ( >45 KU/ml ) 1.92% of 2500 donors were HBsAg positive. 0.72% of 2500 donors were HBsAg positive as well as having high ALT value ( >45 KU/ml). Conclusion: Routine screening of ALT and HBsAgdefinetly decreases the incidence of post transfusion hepatitis.


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How to Cite

Shah, D. H., Dixit, D. H., Patel, D. A., Patel, D. A., & Dabhi, D. (2013). Utility And Limitation Of Routine SGPT &HbsAg In Blood Donors: Utility And Limitation Of Routine SGPT &HbsAg. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 4(1), 93–98. https://doi.org/10.70284/njirm.v4i1.2134



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