Predictability of Xenograft with Resorbable Barrier Membrane in the Management of Deficient Anterior Maxilla for Implant Placement

Predictability of Xenograft with Resorbable Barrier Membrane for Implant Placement


  • Jigna Shah
  • Jaladhi Patel


Xenograft, Bio-Oss resorbable barrier membrane, deficient anterior maxilla, augmentation, Implant placement


This paper discusses the predictable use of xenograft with resorbable barrier membrane to widen the deficient anterior maxilla. The esthetic zone of premaxilla requires optimum volume of bone and soft tissue to achieve long term esthetic end result with special emphasis on the emergence profile. Compressing short or narrow implants into deficient ridges is a poor technique that often fails to correctly replace ridge anatomy or afford stable restorations. Patients with deficient anterior maxilla with missing maxillary anterior tooth were found suitable for this study. In the anterior maxilla the thin labial cortices were decorticated followed by tenting of resorbable barrier membrane for placement of Bio-Oss xenograft bone particles. Ten patients were included in this study out of which in some cases simultaneous implant placement was done and in rest of the cases implants were placed after a period of six months. In comparison to other bone graft materials xenograft has very good osteo conductivity and helps in regeneration of natural bone by maintaining its density for longer period of time.[Jigna S NJIRM 2017; 8(2):91-98]


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How to Cite

Shah, J., & Patel, J. (2018). Predictability of Xenograft with Resorbable Barrier Membrane in the Management of Deficient Anterior Maxilla for Implant Placement: Predictability of Xenograft with Resorbable Barrier Membrane for Implant Placement. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 8(2), 91–98. Retrieved from



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