Hepatogastric fistula: A rare complication of amoebic liver abscess- A case report
Hepatogastric fistula: A rare complication of amoebic liver abscess
Entamoeba histolytica, Hepatogastric fistula, Left liver lobe, Liver abscessAbstract
A 60 year-old male patient presented with complaints of fever with chills, pain abdomen and diarrhoea for 15 days. On evaluation the patient had hepatomegaly with tenderness in right hypochondrium and epigastrium. USG abdomen revealed liver abscess involving left lobe of liver. Serology for Entabmoeba histolytica was found to be positive. CT abdomen noted that the abscess was closely abutting the stomach and contained air foci. On exploration the part of stomach abutting the abscess cavity revealed a perforation. Presentation of amoebic liver abscess in form of hepatogastric fistula is rare and only about twenty cases have been reported.