Intern’s Perception Regarding Learning Educational Environment At Rural Health Training Centre

Intern’s Perception regarding learning educational environment at RHTC


  • Khapre MP
  • Nayak S
  • Mudey A.B


Intern, Rural Health, Physical, Emotional


Background and Objectives: Internship is ideal period to train the medical graduates and apply their knowledge for benefit of society. It is mandatory for interns to undergo three months training in rural area where they have to learn some basic skills as given my Medical council of India. It is important to assess the learning environment in rural health centres for effective learning. Methodology: Interns posted in year 2014-2015 were given the structured questionnaire to rate learning environment in terms of physical, intellectual and emotional plane. Results: Interns were not satisfied with physical environment. The emotional support and supervision was appreciated by interns but it did not sensitized them to work in rural area. They also had good hand on experience but the orientation programme was poorly conducted. Conclusion: The learning environment was very poor specially in terms of infrastructure [Khapre M P NJIRM 2015; 6(5):90-93]


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How to Cite

MP, K., S, N., & A.B, M. (2018). Intern’s Perception Regarding Learning Educational Environment At Rural Health Training Centre: Intern’s Perception regarding learning educational environment at RHTC. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 6(5), 90–93. Retrieved from



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