Drug Utilisation Study Of Proton Pumps Inhibitors In Inpatients Of A Tertiary Care Hospital: A Cross-Sectional Study

Drug Utilisation Study Of Proton Pumps Inhibitors


  • Rajani Patil
  • Sathisha Aithal
  • Tanuja V Hooli
  • Varun HV


Drug utilization, Cross-Sectional Studies, Inpatients, Proton Pump Inhibitors, Pantoprazole, Tertiary Healthcare. , MDA


Background & Objective: Drug utilization research studies are effective tools that help in evaluating the drug prescribing trends, efficiency of hospital formularies. Proton pump inhibitors (PPI) are one of the most frequently prescribed classes of drugs. However because of their High efficacy & easy availability irrational use and unnecessary exposure is high. This study is designed to identify such problems and to promote rational and judicious use of PPIs. Methodology: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted at the S.S Institute of Medical Science and Research, Davangere. Patient medical records with of PPIs prescription were analysed for drugs used including name of the drug, dosage schedule, duration of treatment and concomitant medication. Rationality of prescriptions was evaluated by referring to the indications of PPI use By National Formulary of India; 2011. Results: 216(54%) cases on PPI medications were selected to for our study. Pantoprazole was prescribed in majority of 68% followed by Rabiprazole 16%, Esmoprazole in 13% and then by Lansoprazole in 3% of patients. In our study indications for PPI prescriptions were acute gastritis (4%), GERD (5%), as preoperative medication (11%) and along with NSAIDS (24%) but majority 56 % of PPI prescriptions had no clear indication. Among concomitant drugs used, Antimicrobials were the most commonly (68%) used followed by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (24%) and other drugs like Antihypertensive (9%) and Antiemetic (13%). Conclusion: PPIs are one of the most commonly prescribed drugs. But most of the prescriptions had no proper indications hence irrational. Creating awareness about judicious use of PPI is a necessity. [Patil R NJIRM 2015; 6(5):62-65]


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How to Cite

Patil, R., Aithal, S., Hooli, T. V., & HV, V. (2018). Drug Utilisation Study Of Proton Pumps Inhibitors In Inpatients Of A Tertiary Care Hospital: A Cross-Sectional Study: Drug Utilisation Study Of Proton Pumps Inhibitors. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 6(5), 62–65. Retrieved from https://nicpd.ac.in/ojs-/index.php/njirm/article/view/968



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