Cardiac Herniation Following Pneumonectomy.

Cardiac Herniation Following Pneumonectomy.


  • Dharamsing Kishanrao Pawar
  • Vijay Shortey
  • Umesh Ramtani
  • Shital Namdeorao Mankar
  • Sauabh Varshney


Cardiac herniation, Pneumonectomy, post operative complication


Cardiac herniation is rare. If it is untreated, lead to fatal complications of pneumonectomy. Symptoms are site related. It has sudden onset of hypotension, arrhythmia and cardiac arrest. Clinical suspicion with plain X- ray chest and ECG changes must lead to early diagnosis and require prompt surgical treatment. We present here one such case of cardiac herniation which was developed immediately after shifting the patient to recovery room, diagnosed, treated and saved the patient. [Pawar D NJIRM 2015; 6(2):1]


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How to Cite

Pawar, D. K., Shortey, V., Ramtani, U., Mankar, S. N., & Varshney, S. (2018). Cardiac Herniation Following Pneumonectomy.: Cardiac Herniation Following Pneumonectomy. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 6(2), 109–111. Retrieved from



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