Male Neonate with Polymelia and Left Renal Agenesis: Syndromic Association?

Male Neonate with Polymelia and Left Renal Agenesis


  • Vipul Solanki
  • Arun Marekar
  • Aastha Bhatt
  • Shamji Chauhan


polymelia, radiography, renal agenesis, accessory limb


In the embryo, the limb arises as a condensation of cells from the lateral plate mesoderm and its Ectodermal covering. Congenital malformations involving limb sometimes lead to prenatal mortality, post natal morbidity and psychological effect on parents. Polymelia is one of such condition where diagnostic decisiveness rest on shoulder of radiologist and has an implication on management aspect as far as surgery is concern. We report one unique case having polymelia with left renal agenesis. [Solanki V NJIRM 2015; 6(1):111-113]


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How to Cite

Solanki, V., Marekar, A., Bhatt, A., & Chauhan, S. (2018). Male Neonate with Polymelia and Left Renal Agenesis: Syndromic Association? Male Neonate with Polymelia and Left Renal Agenesis. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 6(1), 110–112. Retrieved from



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