Effects of Yoga in Menstrual Disorders

Effects of Yoga in Menstrual Disorders


  • Dr Neelam Tejwani
  • Dr Lokesh Tejwani


Yoga in menstrual disorders


Background: Every woman at some stage or other experience menstrual disturbances, and these can and often affect their routine. Being a woman I experienced them and found relief when I took up yoga. This prompted me to carry out this study. Material and Methods: 50 women were included in the study and provided regular yoga classes for 6 months. A questionnaire was filled before starting and after completion, to assess the effects of Yoga. Result: 38 women who continued with regular Yoga exercises, reported positive effects and significant symptomatic relief. 12 women who were irregular. or discontinued with yoga exercises did not show significant relief of their systems. Conclusion: A Yoga programme containing Asan, Pranayam, Relaxation and Concentration techniques, is formulated for treatment and prevention of Gynaec issues. [Tejwani N NJIRM 2015; 6(1):45-48]


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14. Reproductive endocrinology by Dr Rajan
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How to Cite

Tejwani, D. N., & Tejwani, D. L. (2018). Effects of Yoga in Menstrual Disorders: Effects of Yoga in Menstrual Disorders. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 6(1), 44–47. Retrieved from https://nicpd.ac.in/ojs-/index.php/njirm/article/view/853



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