Motivation of 1st MBBS Student’s by Active Learning with the Help of Poster Presentation Competition
Motivation of 1st MBBS Student’s by Active Learning with the Help of Poster Presentation Competition
Active learning, Poster presentation, 1stMBBS studentsAbstract
Background: All the metabolic pathways, reactions, regulations… Biochemistry seems to be very difficult for 1stMBBS students. Consequently most advanced topics, without a strong basis, difficult to learn, understand, remember and recall. Hence there is no motivation to go ahead for subject studies and leads to difficulty in correlating the knowledge of Biochemistry with clinical conditions. Aims & objectives: i)To improve the 1stMBBS student’s learning process by active participation in poster presentation competition. ii) The students should be able to study the Biochemistry actively, interestingly. Material & Methods: From 150 students, 30 groups each with 5; were formed. The topics selected for the poster presentation competition were having clinical application. Pre-test viva was conducted before, and post-test after the poster presentation. Posters were assessed, by the subject expert and 2 senior teachers. Three best posters were awarded. Results: Improvement in performance of students in post-test (Mean6.993 ± S.D. 1.358) after the poster presentation was highly significant than the pre-test (Mean4.779± S.D. 1.447) (p<o. 00). Group discussion allows student to recognize meanings, express themselves in the language of the subject. The students gain a degree of self-direction & independence in their studies. Conclusion: Poster presentation proved that, it is a useful tool for the motivation of 1st MBBS biochemistry students for studies;& helpful to prepare students to satisfy their clinical responsibilities. Take Home Message: Such type of motivation when used for all 3 basic subjects of MBBS will be helpful to build the basics of the student. [Dhonde S NJIRM 2014; 5(6):98-102]
Principles of Medical Education, Published by JAYPEEIAP National Publication House, Gwalior; 4th edition - Year 2013 pp 1-8
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