Parental Obesity and Serum Leptin Levels among North Indian Obese Adults

Parental Obesity And Serum Leptin In Obese Adults


  • Anshu Khatri
  • Parshant Changotra
  • Tanu Aggarwal
  • Kauser Sayedda


Body Mass Index, Leptin, Parental obesity


Background And Objectives: Obesity is increasing worldwide as an epidemic. Recent advances in biology of adipose tissue have revealed that adipose tissue in addition to its role as an energy reservoir, modulates energy metabolism via secretion of circulating adipocytokines. Leptin is one such adipocytokine which is essential for body weight homeostasis. There exists complex interaction of genetic and environmental factors in obesity. Various studies have shown genetic influence of parental fatness in childhood obesity but the effect of parental obesity in adult obesity as well as leptin level is not clear, therefore present study was aimed to determine whether parental obesity might contribute to adult obesity as well as serum leptin levels in obese adults. Material and Methods: Study consisted of forty five obese adults with Body Mass Index≥27 and control group included forty five lean adults with Body Mass Index≤22. Information regarding parental obesity was obtained from each participant in a prestructured questionnaire. Blood samples were collected from both groups and serum leptin levels were measured by Radioimmunoassay. Results: About 62 percent of case group was found to have parental history of obesity. In contrast 29 percent subjects in control group had obese parents. Moreover, the mean of serum leptin levels in obese adults with history of obese parents was significantly higher than obese adults without the history of obese parents (males:19.26±2.69 vs 15.75±2.19,p=0.04 and females: 37.0±7.55 vs26.86±3.72,p =0.02). Conclusion: Parental obesity plays an important role in obesity and serum leptin level during adulthood. [Khatri A NJIRM 2014; 5(5):1-4]


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How to Cite

Khatri, A., Changotra, P., Aggarwal, T., & Sayedda, K. (2014). Parental Obesity and Serum Leptin Levels among North Indian Obese Adults: Parental Obesity And Serum Leptin In Obese Adults. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 5(5), 1–4. Retrieved from



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