Ovarian Pregnancy

Ovarian Pregnancy


  • M.B. Swami
  • P. K. Roy
  • K. Mahadik


Ectopic ovarian pregnancy, ovarian pregnancy


Primary ovarian pregnancy is a rare type of extra-uterine pregnancy, and occurs in 1:7000 to 1: 40,000 deliveries. This is a case that occurred in a 26 years old multiparous woman. She had presented with pain abdomen and bleeding per vaginum and was hemodynamically stable, negative pregnancy test, but vaginal examination showed painful cervical movements, slight bleeding through external os, uterus just bulky, tender mass felt in right adnexa. Ultrasonography revealed—Right tubo-ovarian mass with fluid in peritoneal cavity. Laparotomy showed Right Ovarian Pregnancy. Managed by Right Ovariectomy. [Swami M NJIRM 2014; 5(4) :128-130


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How to Cite

Swami, M., Roy, P. K., & Mahadik, K. (2018). Ovarian Pregnancy: Ovarian Pregnancy. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 5(4), 129–131. Retrieved from https://nicpd.ac.in/ojs-/index.php/njirm/article/view/786



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