Facial Nerve Reanimation with Temporalis Muscle Lengthened By Temporalis Fascia

Facial Nerve Reanimation With Temporalis Muscle Lengthened


  • Dr. Neelakamal H Hallur
  • Dr. Satyajit Dandagi
  • Dr. Shereen Fatima
  • Dr. Syed Zakaullah


Facial nerve palsy, Facial nerve reanimation, Temporalis fascia, Temporalis muscle


Management of facial paralysis varies according to the cause, the extent and type of paralysis (total vs partial, unilateral vs bilateral) as well as the duration of paralysis. Facial nerve reconstruction including restitution of the facial symmetry and facial expression is a great surgical challenge. Considering the often disappointing results achieved with the currently available techniques, a continued search for alternative donor sites seemed appropriate. Numerous techniques for facial reanimation have been developed over time, with the ultimate goal being the restoration of both function and form. A case of post traumatic facial nerve palsy managed by reanimation with temporalis muscle lengthened by temporalis fascia is discussed. [ Hallur N NJIRM 2014; 5(4) :105-107]


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How to Cite

Hallur, D. N. H., Dandagi, D. S., Fatima, D. S., & Zakaullah, D. S. (2018). Facial Nerve Reanimation with Temporalis Muscle Lengthened By Temporalis Fascia: Facial Nerve Reanimation With Temporalis Muscle Lengthened. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 5(4), 106–108. Retrieved from https://nicpd.ac.in/ojs-/index.php/njirm/article/view/778



Case Report