Estimation Of Salivary Glucose Level And Plasma Glucose Level In Subjects With And Without Diabetes Mellitus: A Comparative Study.

Estimation of salivary glucose level and plasma glucose level in subjects


  • Dr. Jha.S.K
  • Dr. David.C.M
  • Dr. Saluja.I.P
  • Dr. Venkatesh.D
  • Dr. Chaudhary.S.U


Diabetes mellitus, Salivary glucose, Serum glucose


Objective: The objective of this study was to estimate and correlate salivary glucose levels and plasma glucose levels in non-diabetic subjects, controlled and uncontrolled diabetic subjects and to assess if salivary glucose can be a potentially useful non-invasive tool in diagnosing diabetes mellitus and in monitoring of glycemic control in diabetic patients. Materials and methods: A total of 90 subjects aged between 40-60 years participated in the study. Diabetic status was determined by estimation of random non-fasting plasma glucose levels and Glycosylated haemoglobin levels. Both unstimulated and stimulated saliva were collected and investigated for glucose levels. Salivary glucose levels were measured using the glucose oxidase method. Results: Salivary glucose levels were significantly higher in diabetics than non-diabetics. Mean un-stimulated salivary glucose level was 1.15 mg/dL in control group, 2.04 mg/dL in controlled diabetic group and 3.99 mg/dL in un-controlled diabetic group. There was a significant positive correlation between salivary and plasma glucose levels. Conclusion: These results show that salivary glucose concentration can be used as a potentially useful non-invasive tool for diagnosing diabetes mellitus and monitoring glycemic control in diabetic patients. [Jha S NJIRM 2014; 5(3) :65-70]


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How to Cite

Jha.S.K, D., David.C.M, D., Saluja.I.P, D., Venkatesh.D, D., & Chaudhary.S.U, D. (2018). Estimation Of Salivary Glucose Level And Plasma Glucose Level In Subjects With And Without Diabetes Mellitus: A Comparative Study.: Estimation of salivary glucose level and plasma glucose level in subjects. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 5(3), 113–118. Retrieved from



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