A Comparative Evaluation Of Lipid Profile In Smokers And Non Smokers

A Comparative Evaluation of Lipid Profile in Smokers


  • Dr. Narendra Gupta
  • Dr. Qazi Rais Ahmed
  • Dr. Sapna Goyal
  • Dr. Shahid Jamal Ansari


Cardiovascular, Smokers, Hypertension , Hypercholesterolemia


Background: The major cardiovascular risk factors i.e. smoking, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia; person having only one of these risk factors show a 2-4 times increase in the incidence of coronary heart disease. Studied have also shown the beneficial effect of smoking cessation on the serum lipids, mainly HDL cholesterol. The risk of coronary artery disease reverts rapidly after cessation of smoking. Material and method:-Present study is conducted to reveal the effect of smoking on the lipid profile in male subject. The cross-sectional study was done in 60 male subjects age ranging from 30 to 45 years. The subjects were divided into control group (n=30) and study group i.e. smokers (n=30). All subjects were belongs from either social class 2 or 3 according to Modified Prasad’s social classification. About 5 ml of venous blood will be obtained after 10-12 hours of fasting and analysis of lipid profile was done. Result: Total Cholesterol, Total Triglycerides, High Density Lipoprotein (HDL-Cholesterol), Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL- Cholesterol) and Very Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL-Cholesterol) will be calculated by Friedwald and Friedrickson formula. There is significant difference in lipid profile parameter of control and smokers. The Total Triglyceride, Total Cholesterol, LDL-Cholesterol ,VLDL-Cholesterol of control and smokers are respectively, which is increase significantly (p<0.05) in smokers then control. The HDL-Cholesterol of control and smokers is decrease significantly (p<0.05) in smokers then control. Conclusion: Hence we concluded that strict measures should be taken up to control the prevalence of the habits of smoking and preventing the risk factor for cardio vascular diseases, hypertension etc. [Gupta N NJIRM 2014; 5(3) :62-64]


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How to Cite

Gupta, D. N., Ahmed, D. Q. R., Goyal, D. S., & Ansari, D. S. J. (2018). A Comparative Evaluation Of Lipid Profile In Smokers And Non Smokers: A Comparative Evaluation of Lipid Profile in Smokers. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 5(3), 110–112. Retrieved from https://nicpd.ac.in/ojs-/index.php/njirm/article/view/745



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