Study Of Primary Caesarean Section In Multiparous Women

Study Of Primary Caesarean Section In Multiparous Women


  • Dr. J.K. Saluja
  • Dr P K Roy
  • Dr. K. Mahadik


primary caesarean section, caesarean section in multipara


Background: This prospective study was carried out to assess, indication, maternal & fetal outcome of primary caesarian in multiparous women. Materials & Methods: 50 women with primary CS (caesarean section) studied in multiparous women studied and analysed. Results: Most of women belonged to >25yrs age group, rural, & low socio-economic group, Malpresentation, Low AFI (amniotic fuid index), Fetal Distress were most common indications. Post operative uneventful in majority of cases. Conclusion: Antenatal care in multigravida, USG (ultra-sonography) Analysis Close monitoring can reduce CS(caesarean section) in multipara. [ Saluja J K NJIRM 2014; 5(2) :27-29]


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How to Cite

Saluja, D. J., Roy, D. P. K., & Mahadik, D. K. (2018). Study Of Primary Caesarean Section In Multiparous Women: Study Of Primary Caesarean Section In Multiparous Women. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 5(2), 27–29. Retrieved from



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