Journal Impact Factor

Journal Impact Factor


  • chinmay shah Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology Government Medical College, Bhavnagar


 Like nuclear energy, the impact factor has become a mixed blessing. I expected that it would be used constructively while recognizing that in the wrong hands it might be abused. In the early 1960s Irving H. Sher and Eugene Garfield created the journal impact factor to help select journals for the Science Citation Index (SCI


1.Eugene Garfield, Journal impact factor: a brief review, CMAJ • OCT. 19, 1999; 161 (8) 979
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4. Garfield E Citation indexing for studying science. Nature 227:669-71, 1970.
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9. Seglen PO. Why the impact factor of journals should not be used for evaluating
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11. Foster WR. Impact factor as the best operational measure of medical journals. Lancet 1995 Nov 11; 346:(8985):1301
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13. Garfield E. Long-term vs. short-term journal impact: Does it matter? Scientist 1998; 12(3):10-2.
14. Garfield E. Long-term vs. short-term journal impact (part II). Scientist 1998; 12(14):12-3.
15. Garfield E , Which medical journals have the greatest impact? Ann. Intern. Med. 105:313-20, 1986



How to Cite

shah, chinmay. (2017). Journal Impact Factor: Journal Impact Factor. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 1(1), 1–3. Retrieved from


