Kartagener’s Syndrome : A Rare Case

Kartagener’s Syndrome


  • Dr . Manish Bavaliya
  • Dr . Vishal Sadatia
  • Dr.Ritesh Vekariya
  • Dr . Dinesh Jani


Primary ciliary dyskinesia , Primary infertility , Acquired mucociliary disorders


Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a syndrome characterised by productive cough with bronchiectasis and sinusitis early in life and reduced fertility later in life. PCD is a rare syndrome with an estimated incidence of 1: 20,000 to 30,000 . Primary ciliary dyskinesia is a genetic disorder which manifests early in life and that distinguish it from the acquired mucociliary disorders . Here we discuss one such case of Kartagener’s syndrome that presented to us with bronchiectasis , recurrent sinusitis with primary infertility and situs inversus , all of which which fit into the triad of Kartagener’s syndrome


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How to Cite

Bavaliya, D. . M., Sadatia, D. . V., Vekariya, D., & Jani, D. . D. (2012). Kartagener’s Syndrome : A Rare Case: Kartagener’s Syndrome. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 3(4), 145–147. Retrieved from https://nicpd.ac.in/ojs-/index.php/njirm/article/view/381



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