Treatment Outcomes And Resistance Patterns In Patients Of MDR-TB Started On Shorter Oral Bedaquiline Regimen


  • Dr. Bhavi Shah * *Resident Doctor
  • Dr. Vishal Kansara** **Senior Resident
  • Dr. Jigna Dave*** ***Professor And Head



MDR TB, Resistance Patterns, Shorter Oral BDQ Regimen


Background: 1.To determine the efficacy of shorter oral BDQ regimen in patients of MDR-TB/RR-
TB in terms of treatment outcome. 2. To determine the prevalence of MDR-TB/RR-TB based on age and

gender 3. To study the resistance patterns and its association with comorbidities. Material And Methods:
This is a retrospective study of 50 patients conducted from August 2021 to December 2022. Patient data
sputum AFB and CBNAAT, sputum culture conversion, comorbidities, resistance pattern, age and gender
based prevalence and site of infection was collected from District Tuberculosis Centre, Bhavnagar. Result:
Total 50 patients of pulmonary tuberculosis were included of which there were 66% males, 34% females
with maximum being in age group of 21-40 years. Of total patients included, 58% were cured, 14% lost to
follow up, 8% expired and 20 % are on treatment. Results were indicative of 73% cure rate. Of this 4%
patients were HIV positive, 12% were diabetic. In terms of resistance, 52% had RIF+ KAT G resistance, 46%
had Rif resistance and 2% had Rif + Inh A resistance. Conclusion: Introduction of Shorter oral BDQ regimen
has significantly improved compliance as it reduced duration by almost half which ultimately lead to
improvement in treatment success rate. [Shah B Natl J Integr Res Med, 2023; 14(4):21-24, Published on
Dated: 8/07/2023]




How to Cite

Dr. Bhavi Shah *, Dr. Vishal Kansara**, & Dr. Jigna Dave***. (2024). Treatment Outcomes And Resistance Patterns In Patients Of MDR-TB Started On Shorter Oral Bedaquiline Regimen. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 14(4), 21–24.



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