Role Of Ultrasonography In Diagnosis Of Various Biliary System Pathologies

Role Of Ultrasonography In Diagnosis Of Various Biliary System Pathologies


  • Dr. Sarthak J. Gohel Dr. Sarthak J. Gohel, Department Of Radio Diagnosis Smt. NHL Municipal Medical College, Svp Institute Of Medical Sciences & Research, Ahmedabad
  • Dr. Chhaya J. Bhatt Professor,Department Of Radio Diagnosis Smt. NHL Municipal Medical College, Svp Institute Of Medical Sciences & Research, Ahmedabad
  • Dr. Sahil N. Shah Assistant Professor,Department Of Radio Diagnosis Smt. NHL Municipal Medical College, Svp Institute Of Medical Sciences & Research, Ahmedabad
  • Dr. Harnisha R. Babaria First Year Resident, Department Of Radio Diagnosis Smt. NHL Municipal Medical College, Svp Institute Of Medical Sciences & Research, Ahmedabad



Ultrasound, Biliary System Pathologies, Gallbladder, Gallstones


Background: Discuss the role of ultrasound in detecting various gallbladder and biliary tract pathologies in patients presenting as right upper quadrant/epigastric pain/obstructive jaundice especially in emergency situations and demonstrating the incidence of various gallbladder and biliary tract pathologies. Material And Methods: A retrospective observational study of 85 patients having upper abdominal/epigastric pain/obstructive jaundice was carried out at SVP Hospital, ahmedabad. Ultrasound was performed by using MINDRAY RESONA 6 machine. Both curvilinear and linear probes were used for the scanning.Result: The study included 85 patients with 50 female patients and 35 male patients. Most common pathology found was gallbladder calculus (47%). Female gender (72.5%) was more prone for having gallstones than male gender (27.5%). Gallstones were commonly associated with diffuse wall thickening and most common pathology associated with diffuse wall thickening was acute calculus and a calculous cholecystitis with both having a frequency of 30 % each. Gallstones were found a common risk factor for gallbladder perforation as well as gallbladder malignancy. Common pathologies presenting with obstructive jaundice were CBD stones and CBD stricture in which distal CBD was the commonest site for the stones (39%) as well as stricture (50%).In paediatric age group presenting with jaundice common pathologies were choledochal cyst and biliary atresia. Conclusion: Ultrasound is a non-invasive, least expensive, highly sensitive imaging modality and free from radiation for the assessment of the gallbladder and biliary tree pathologies especially in emergency situations. [Gohel S Natl J Integr Res Med, 2022; 13(3): 49-55, Published on Dated: 10/05/2022]




How to Cite

Dr. Sarthak J. Gohel, Dr. Chhaya J. Bhatt, Dr. Sahil N. Shah, & Dr. Harnisha R. Babaria. (2022). Role Of Ultrasonography In Diagnosis Of Various Biliary System Pathologies: Role Of Ultrasonography In Diagnosis Of Various Biliary System Pathologies. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 13(3), 49–55.



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